Ruth Rafalovich

Ruth Rafalovich

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Donate to Ruth Rafalovich

Ruth’s Schools

-2024 Nepal





If you are interested in learning more, or possibly traveling with us to work on a school groundbreaking, please contact us.

Ruth Rafalovich – Homer, Alaska

Bio: Ruth Rafalovich is the VP of Global Business Development at SecurityPal. She spent 15 years working in advertising technology at companies including Omniture, DoubleClick, Google, and Rocket Fuel. She took 6 years off to travel and has visited 45 countries.

Why: I decided in the middle of my career to take a lengthy break from the corporate world and travel to remote areas of the world. During my travels, I was fascinated by the resilience displayed by individuals living in the most challenging conditions. I organized expeditions that took executives to isolated parts of the world, such as Mongolia and Bhutan, and introduced them directly to the local villages and communities. Raising money for Team Dayā for rural school building in Nepal allows me to bring awareness to the isolated, and often forgotten areas of the world. By sheer coincidence, our current company has an office in Kathmandu, Nepal that I work out of half the year, so this initiative is very close to my heart.

More: LinkedIn